Founded in 1990, going strong for 34 years, the Allie Awards is an annual program, to recognize outstanding examples of quality and creativity from the members of the Atlanta event industry. It demonstrates how working together for a common good can promote excellence in event design, planning and production. This awards program remains a model for industry awards programs across the country.
This prestigious awards competition strives for the highest degree of excellence in event planning, design, cuisine, entertainment, weddings, technical production and enhancements, and in doing so, has raised the standards and quality of Atlanta’s event industry. Events of nearly every type and size will have the opportunity to be recognized in up to 38 categories, organized into seven disciplines plus three Best Team Effort awards.
One of the goals of the Allie Awards is to promote the professionalism of the industry. Your organization will be recognized for taking part in raising the level of professionalism in the industry while improving your community. To add value to those recognized and the event industry as a whole, the Allie Awards will send press releases to a variety of media explaining the awards, the competition and those given top honors. We strongly encourage your company to do the same! Allie Awards Inc. is a certified 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation supported by a volunteer Board of Directors. Proceeds from this annual event will go toward scholarships established for Georgia hospitality students. Your organization will be recognized for taking part in raising the level of professionalism in the industry while improving the live events community.
Location Requirements:
Entrants must meet at least TWO of the following criteria:
1. Entrant’s company has a location based in metro Atlanta
2. Entrant’s event was held in metro Atlanta
3. Entrant’s company holds a membership in at least one Atlanta Chapter of a hospitality association or organization
Date Requirements:
The event must have occurred between January 1st and December 31st of the last year.
Entry Limitations:
Each Company may submit up to TWO entries per category
Each Company may submit the same event in a maximum of FIVE different categories
Entry Dates
Early-bird entries: Nov 1 (portal opens) – Jan 6 @ 5 pm $100.00 fee per entry
On-time entries: Jan 6 (after 5pm) through Jan 16 @ 5pm $150.00 fee per entry
Late entries: Jan 16 (after 5pm) – Jan 23 @ 5pm $200.00 fee per entry
Entries will not be accepted after this final deadline!
All entries must be submitted individually through our awards portal. Entering is simple! Just upload some photos and/or a video and answer the following 3 questions about your event:
1. Event Review Summary (max 400 words)
2. Your Company’s Contributions (max 800 words)
3. Unique Challenges and/or WOW Factor (max 800 words)
Please review all guidelines for the 2025 Allie Award Entries here
The awards are to be judged without recognizing the identity of the company or individual presenting thesubmission. Entrant’s company name, employees or logo may not appear anywhere in the entry submission or content. If the entrant’s name, logo, or image appears within the submission, the judging body is permitted to remove the identifiable portion and deduct points accordingly. This includes all collateral. Please thoroughly check your photography images, BEOs, diagrams, documents, spreadsheets, etc.
If there are repeat offenses throughout, the submission will be disqualified, at the committee’s discretion. While disqualifications are rare, please be advised of the following notes:
Judges will be selected by the Board of Directors and Planning Committee from top-tier event professionals outside of metro Atlanta and will remain anonymous throughout the judging process.
Each entry is evaluated by a panel of judges, within a set of categories assigned in accordance with their field of expertise. The nominees and subsequent winners of any given category are based on merit as determined by the panel of judges and are not based upon the number of entries received in the category. There may not be nominees in every category, regardless of the number of entries received.
To give your entries the best chance of winning, we recommend that you:
Ready to start your submission for the Allie Awards? Click the button below!
Entry Portal for the 2025 Allie Awards is now open – Early entry deadline is January 6, 2025!
On Time Registration for Allie Awards 2025 is now open — On Time pricing ends January 16, 2025!